General terms
General terms
We are trying very hard to make your stay as pleasant as possible. Therefore you should know which performances we produce, what we take responsibility for and which liabilities you have. Please pay attention to the following general terms of business, which should regulate and clear, in the mutual interest, the contractual relationship between us and which you acknowledge with your reservation.
Conclusion of the contract
The contract is concluded as soon as the room(s) is / are reserved and confirmed or - if a confirmation for time reasons is not possible - is / are made available.
Change of the reservation
In case of changes of the services agreed upon, or the times of arrival and departure respectively without previous written agreement by the hotel, the hotel can take expenses, occured by such changes into account, unless it's the hotel's fault.
Arrival and departure
The conditions for arrival and departure are based on the internationally usual guidelines. That means on the day of arrival the room is available to you from 12:00; on the day of departure we ask you to clear your room till 10:00 noon. Our reception takes care of keeping your luggage.
Services and rates
Which services are arranged by contract, arises from the booking confirmation. The rates include the value added tax. A rise of the value added tax goes to the debit of the customer.
A pre-payment for the booking - amount asked for by the hotel - can be required by the hotel. Alternatively a guarantee can take place by announcing a credit card number.
Accounting details
If the expenses for the hotel room and / or possible extra charges will not be paid by the guest on departure, this is strictly noted in the booking confirmation by the hotel. In this case we ask for return confirmation by sending back the signed booking confirmation.
Cancellation by the guest / customer
Separate hotel rooms can be cancelled free of charge 24 hours prior to arrival (6 p.m.).
In case of cancellation at a later date or non-arrival the hotel can charge 80% of the rate agreed upon.
For volume reservations from 5 hotel rooms the cancellation deadlines are stated in a separate written contract.
In every case the hotel tries to rent the cancelled hotel rooms to avoid any loss.
The right for the correction of errors as well as misprints is reserved.